YEMEN Press Agency

STC ambushes Islah militants in Abyan

ABYAN, June 13 (YPA) – Local sources in Mudiyah district confirmed that the UAE-backed southern Transitional Council  (STC) militias  managed to carry out a tight ambush targeting the al-Islah militant  the Qatari-backed Brotherhood militia in the area of “Thera of al-Theno“, in Abyan province, southern Yemen.

 According to the source the attack targeted military pickup vehicles were coming back from Shugrah heading towards Shabwah province.

Two militants of al-Islah were killed in addition to burring down a military pickup, one of the sources said.

The attack came in retaliation over the killing of the head of the security belt forces Nasr Al-Salhi in Mudiyah district by members of the Muslim Brotherhood militias fighting in Shuqrah.