YEMEN Press Agency
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Gulf of Aden

Seismic tremors continue off coasts of Gulf of Aden 

SHABWA, June 03 (YPA) - Marine seismic tremors continued on Saturday off the coast of the Gulf of Aden, reaching the coasts of Shabwa province and the city of Mukalla in Hadramout province, with a magnitude ranging from 4.6 to 5.9 on the…

STC militia expands in oil-rich Shabwa areas

SHABWA, May 07 (YPA) – The militia of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which is supported by the UAE, increased its presence in the province of Shabwa's oil-rich areas on Sunday. This comes in line with trends in the most…

US forces deploy near Gulf of Aden

WASHINGTON, April 21 (YPA) - The US Department of Defense has announced the deployment of military assets to a naval facility in Djibouti on the Gulf of Aden, in preparation for the evacuation of US embassy staff from Sudan. Following…