YEMEN Press Agency
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Unknown gunmen kill citizen in Abyan

ABYAN, July 16 (YPA) - A citizen was killed on Tuesday by unidentified gunmen in Abyan governorate, which is under the control of the Southern Transitional factions affiliated with the UAE. Local sources in the governorate reported that two…

Fierce clashes leave three wounded in Abyan

ABYAN, July 03 (YPA) - Three people were injured in fierce confrontations that broke out on Tuesday between UAE-funded factions in Abyan province, which is under the control of the Saudi-led coalition in southern Yemen. The confrontations…

Tribal people block road linking between Abyan, Aden

ABYAN, June 17 (YPA) - The “Al-Jaadna” tribe in Abyan province announced on Monday the blocking of the road linking the province to the city of Aden, which is under the control of the Saudi-led coalition. According to a statement issued by…