YEMEN Press Agency
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Hezbollah condemns terrorist attack in Sinai

BERIUT, May 08 (YPA) - Hezbollah condemned the terrorist attack that targeted a water pumping station in West Sinai in Egypt, killing 11 soldiers and wounding five people. Hezbollah in a statement issued over the terrorist attack said that…

Dozens of Zionist settlers desecrate Al-Aqsa Mosque

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, May 08 (YPA) - Dozens of Zionist settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque, heavily guarded by the Israeli occupation police, on Sunday. Palestinian sources reported that dozens of settlers stormed Al-Aqsa from Mughrabi Gate to…

Iran seeks to build fully homemade nuclear reactor

TEHRAN, May 07 (YPA) - Deputy Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Begman Jamshidi, said on Saturday that his country is seeking to establish a fully home-made nuclear reactor. The official "Fars" news agency quoted Jamshidi as…