YEMEN Press Agency
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United Arab Emirates to open embassy in Tel Aviv

SANAA, Jan. 24 (YPA) - The United Arab Emirates announced on Sunday it will open an embassy in Tel Aviv, as the Zionist entity announced its embassy had opened in the UAE. The UAE cabinet approved the establishment of an embassy in Tel…

Iran urges Biden to return to nuclear agreement

SANAA, Jan. 24 (YPA) - Iran has urged US President Joe Biden's administration to initiate a return to the nuclear deal from which his predecessor Donald Trump withdrew in 2018. This came in an article published by Iranian Foreign Minister…

US aircraft carrier enters South China Sea

SANAA, Jan. 23 (YPA) -  The Zionist forces on Sunday prevented the completion of the restoration work of marble and internal pillars in the Dome of the Rock chapel at the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. According to the Palestinian Media…

Saudi prisoners of conscience start open hunger strike

RIYADH, Jan. 24 (YPA) - Prisoners of conscience in Saudi prisons have begun carrying out an open hunger strike, to protest against the poor living and humanitarian conditions, rights sources reported on Sunday. ALQST Organization for…

Palestinian young man injured by Zionists fires in Gaza Strip

SANAA, Jan. 24 (YPA) - A Palestinian young man was injured on Sunday by Israeli enemy's fires in north of Gaza Strip, Palestinian sources said. The sources affirmed that the young man was wounded in al-Ghawl area of Beit Lahya and he was…

Polisario forces attack Moroccan army positions

SANAA, Jan. 24 (YPA) - Polisario Front launched an attack on the Guerguerat area on the border between Morocco and Mauritania, the Saharawi press agency SPS said in a statement on Sunday. "The Saharawi army launched four rockets in the…