YEMEN Press Agency
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11 PMF members killed in clashes with ISIS in Iraq

SANAA, Jan. 24 (YPA) - At least 11 members of the popular mobilization were killed in violent clashes with the terrorist group ISIS on Saturday, AFP reported. Media in Iraq reported that violent clashes took place between the Popular…

Palestinian worker killed in Nablus

NABLUS, Jan. 24 (YPA) - A Palestinian worker from Nablus was killed on Sunday morning after Israeli occupation soldiers targeted a number of workers with tear gas. According to "Palestine Now" Agency , the  worker Fouad Sebti Jouda, 50,…

Pro-Islah recruit assassinated in Taiz

TAIZ, Jan. 23 (YPA) – A recruit loyal to the Saudi-backed Islah militants was assassinated in Taiz province, according to sources. The sources explained unidentified gunmen opened fire towards one of the Islah recruits, Farouq Al-Jaashi, in…

30 Palestinians wounded due to explosion in north of Gaza Strip

SANAA, Jan. 23 (YPA) - 30 Palestinians were injured on Saturday morning due to a strong explosion in a home in north of Gaza Strip. Medi confirmed that the nature of the explosion has not yet been determined, indicating that ambulances are…

Three QSD gunmen killed in Deir Ezzor countryside

SANAA, Jan. 23 (YPA) - At least three militants of QSD were killed when an improvised  explosive device exploded in a military hummer in the vicinity of al-Omar oil field in Deir Ezzor countryside in northern Syria,  the Syrian Arab News…

Schumer: Trump impeachment trial to begin on Feb. 8

SANAA, Jan. 23 (YPA) - Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump will begin Feb. 8, the first time a former president will face such charges after leaving office. "Members of…