YEMEN Press Agency
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U.S.-Saudi Aggression

UAE to open Yemen airspace to Israeli flights

SANAA, Sept. 5 (YPA) - The UAE is seeking to open Yemeni airspace to Israeli flights in the coming period, according to Associated Press Reporter in Yemen, Ahmed al-Hajj, "I was not the most accurate or oldest reader, when I said that the…

Huge explosion hits 3rd military region in Marib

MARIB, 4 (YPA) – A huge explosion hit on Friday the 3rd military region in Marib provide and Saudi forces began to withdraw its heavy weapons from the province, according to sources. Eyewitnesses in the city reported that they the violent…

19 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Marib,Jawf

MARIB, Sep. 4 (YPA) - The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition combat jets carried out on Friday 19 strikes on Marib and Jawf provinces, a security official told Yemen Press Agency. The official affirmed that the fighter jets waged 10…

Coalition combat jets attack Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, Sep. 4 (YPA) – The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition combat jets carried out on Friday six strikes on Hodeidah province, a security official told Yemen Press Agency. The official explained that the aggression’s spy aircraft…