YEMEN Press Agency
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U.S.-Saudi Aggression

134 violations recorded in Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, Sept. 2 (YPA) - The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition's mercenaries committed on Wednesday 134 violations of ceasefire and Sweden's agreements in Hodeidah province, including three air strikes hit Jabalia area and Durayhmi…

Coalition warplanes wage 24 raids on Marib, Bayda

MARIB, BAYDA, Sept. 2 (YPA) – Saudi-led coalition warplanes on Wednesday waged 24 air raids on several areas in Marib and Bayda provinces, a security official told Yemen Press Agency. The official explained that 17 raids targeted Marib…

Clashes between coalition factions renewed in Abyan

ABYAN, Sep. 1 (YPA) – Violating clashes between the Saudi-led aggression coalition factions renewed on Wednesday in Yemen's southern province of Abyan, sources said. The sources affirmed that the armed confrontations happened when the Islah…