YEMEN Press Agency
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Organized Crimes

 Political Security director assaults wounded in Taiz

TAIZ, April 10 (YPA) – Politic Security director, appointed from the outgoing President Hadi , Abdul Wahid Sarhan, assaulted on Sunday the wounded  during the organization of a sit-in in front of the gate building of Taiz province, an…

Officer killed in drive-by shooting in Taiz  

TAIZ, April 9 (YPA) – An officer loyal to UAE occupation forces was killed by unknown gunmen on a motorbike on Monday in downtown of Taiz, a security official told Yemeni Press Agency. The accident took place in al-Kabir Souk. Coalition's…

One woman arrested in child theft in Dhamar

DHMAR, April 8 (YPA) - A security forces arrested a woman accused of a child abduction from a house in Dhamar province, a security official told Yemen Press Agency on Sunday. The arrested was impersonated as a job in a humanitarian…

Several jailbirds escape from Hadramout prison

HADRAMOUT, April 5 (YPA) –Several jailbirds were escaped on Thursday from a prison of the security department in southern province of Hadramout, a security official told Yemen Press Agency. The prisoners were accused of murder cases in…