YEMEN Press Agency
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Police arrest drug traffic gang in Sanaa

SANAA, Feb. 13 (YPA) – The police forces on Tuesday arrested a six gang members involved in drug trafficking and other criminal cases in the capital Sanaa, a security official told Yemen Press Agency.

Militia leader loyal to coalition killed in Bayda

BAYDA, Feb. 12 (YPA) – A field leader of Saudi-backed militias was killed on Monday along with three of his escorts in an artillery shelling of the Yemeni army on Nat'a district of Bayda province, a military official told Yemen Press…

UAE-backed gunmen break into Islah Party office in Shabwa

UAE-backed gunmen break into Islah Party's office in Shabwa SHABWA, Feb. 11 (YPA) – Armed factions of so-called UAE-backed Shabwani elite forces on Sunday broke into a headquarters of Yemeni Islah Party (Muslim Brotherhod) in the southern…