YEMEN Press Agency

Hamas: Lebanese resistance response thwarts failure of Israeli plans

BEIRUT, Sept. 23 (YPA) – Hamas Movement affirmed on Sunday that the broad military response that the Lebanon Hezbollah carried out had showed the failure of the Israeli plan to isolate the Gaza Strip and sever the link between the Palestinian resistance and the resistance axis in the region.

The movement said in a statement this development would increase the number of Zionist fugitives from the Galilee, instead of restoring things as the criminal Netanyahu claimed.

“The qualitative responses by the resistance in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen strengthen the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and confuse the occupation government, which seeks to impose new equations that serve its interests,” the statement added.

The statement saluted the resistance’s fighters in Lebanon, appreciating their steadfastness and courage in confronting the Israeli war machine, and their determination to continue fighting in support of the Palestinian people and their resistance in Gaza and the West Bank.

Earlier in the day, Hezbollah launched dozens of missiles at the occupation sites in northern occupied Palestine and the occupied Golan Heights of Syria, some of which targeted military complexes and the Ramat David Airbase.