YEMEN Press Agency

Rights delegation arrives at Abyan to express solidarity with detainees

ABYAN, Sept. 23 (YPA) – A human rights delegation consisting of lawyers and activists from Aden and Lahj province, south of Yemen, arrived on Sunday, at the open peaceful sit-in camp in Zinjibar district, the center of Abyan province.

The delegation, headed by Amnesty International member and civil society organizations coordinator in Aden, Sabri Salem Ahmed Bin Shuaib, said the step aimed at support of the issue of the Jaadna tribes demanding the disclosure of the fate of the kidnapped Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani and those forcibly disappeared in the prisons of the “UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

He affirmed the delegation’s full solidarity with the case of the kidnapped Ali Ashal and the forcibly disappeared, announcing its commitment to work to uncover the truth and support the families of the forcibly disappeared in the face of violations and injustice.

Bin Shuaib called on the international community to intervene, reveal the facts and provide justice to all families being affected by the violations, expressing their solidarity with the family of the kidnapped Ashal since last June.

Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah Sakin Al-Jaadani, head of the sit-in camp committee, pointed out that the arrival of the legal and human rights delegation from the provinces of Aden and Lahj will be an expressive step of the great confidence in the demands of the sons of the Jaadani tribes for rights and justice.

He condemned the continued silence done by the responsible authorities regarding the kidnappings and enforced disappearances in Aden, describing their position as unacceptable in the face of human rights violations that require a rapid investigation into these incidents and holding those responsible accountable according to the law.