YEMEN Press Agency

Abyan tribes fail to release abducted ‘Ashal’

ABYAN, July 24 (YPA) – The Jaadani tribe in Abyan province has decided to hold a “million-man-march” after the agreed-upon deadline agreed upon with the security committee to determine the fate of their abducted son, Ali Ashal Al-Jaadanim has passed.

Ali has been held by factions of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) since June last year.

Yesterday, Tuesday, the tribe formed a preparatory committee for the “million-man -march” at Aden’s Al-Arudh Square, chaired by Sheikh Nasser Mohammed Jabran and two others, to select representatives from various provinces. However, the date for the protest has not been specified.

Despite efforts by the security committee and other mediators, Ali Ashal’s fate and that of hundreds of others abducted and forcibly hidden remain unknown.

Ali Ashal serves as a commander of an air defense battalion in Aden, amidst reports suggesting that he may have been executed in one of the UAE-funded “counter-terrorism” secret prisons.

These developments come after  Abyan tribes blocked major roads to fuel and gas tankers and restricted the movement of military vehicles belonging to  the STC factions in their territories.

In response, the STC factions have tightened the noose Abyan residents attempting to travel to Aden, turning them back at the Al-Amal checkpoint, the eastern entrance to the city.

The tribes of Abyan have struggled to find solutions to uncover the fate of Ali Ashal and others since the expulsion of their prominent leaders from Aden following clashes in August 2019, including the former interior minister Ahmed Al-Maisari and Presidential Protection Brigades commander Sand Al-Rahawah.

The planned demonstration is seen as the least favorable stance to save face among others.

