YEMEN Press Agency

UAE forces prevent workers from entry of Mukalla port

HADRAMOUT, July 16 (YPA) – The UAE-backed armed factions-run administration of the port of Mukalla city of Hadramout province, in eastern Yemen, prevented workers from the entry of the port.

Sources familiar with the matter said that the administration informed the gate guards of preventing the entry of workers after the arrival of the Emirati ship coming from Dubai port without knowing its cargo.

The sources added that the daily wage workers gathered at the port’s gate amid a state of discontent and denunciation at the cutting off of their families’ only source of income, after which armed elements of Rabwah camp of the so-called “Hadrami Elite” factions funded by the UAE were called to disperse the workers by force.

The UAE transferred a shipment of weapons by ship to Mukalla, the sources suggested.

The sources pointed out that the port administration, before the arrival of the suspicious Emirati ship, stopped a ship loaded with diesel before entering the “Al-Makhtaf” area to wait until it was allowed to reach the port’s quay in waiting for the suspicious ship to arrive.