YEMEN Press Agency

Hadrami component sets new conditions for coalition in exchange for oil exports

HADRAMOUT, July 16 (YPA) – A leader from the “Hadramout Conference” has announced that various local components are moving towards preventing the export of crude oil until all the demands of the province’s residents are met.

Mohsen Salem Nasir, the head of the so-called the “Organizational Department of the Conference,” confirmed that the leadership is discussing with active forces in the community to make a decision to halt oil exports from Hadhramaut’s fields until the demands of Hadramout’s people are met and they receive all their rights in essential services.

He emphasized the need for the people of Hadramout to be involved in the political agreements and negotiations between the Saudi-led coalition, its allies with Sanaa, which focus on resuming oil exports without any consideration for the local inhabitants, as he described.

This announcement comes after a meeting held by the “Hadramout Conference” last Saturday, where they gave the “Presidential Leadership Council” affiliated with the coalition 30 days to rectify the imbalances in Hadramout.

They also threatened to take a series of painful measures that will continue until their grievances are resolved and they will regain control over their lands and resources.

