YEMEN Press Agency

Sabiha tribes foil attempt of storming homes in Lahj

LAHJ, June 22 (YPA) – Armed confrontations between factions of the Southern Transitional Council and tribal militants in Lahj province, local sources reported.

The sources explained that the UAE-backed factions affiliated with the Transitional Council, attempted on Saturday morning to storm the homes of citizens in Ber al-Raja area of Tur al-Baha district, north of Lahj governorate, under the pretext of searching for “wanted persons”, before the people confronted them and clashes broke out between the two parties.

The sources added that the areas of the Sabiha tribes, which are one of the largest tribes in southern Yemen, are witnessing a state of tension as a result of the continuous provocations to which the Sabiha tribes are exposed at the hands of the “transitional” factions loyal to the UAE.