YEMEN Press Agency

STC threatens pro-coalition government

ADEN, May 29 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) officially acknowledged its significant failures across various sectors, accusing the government loyal to Saudi-led coalition of being responsible for the economic collapse.

“The council will not wait indefinitely for the pro-coalition government’s failure and inability, and the continued deterioration of living conditions, which have reached a level beyond the citizens’ capacity,” the head of STC, Aidarous Al-Zubaidi stated.

He added, ” The STC will not distance itself from the citizens’ suffering and has enough capability and courage to shoulder its responsibilities due to the deteriorating living conditions.”

Al-Zubaidi indicated that he is reconsidering all his decisions and future steps, and instructed members of the council, heads of bodies, and ministers affiliated with it in the government to remain in constant meetings to discuss urgent and possible solutions under these exceptional circumstances.

Several STC activists on social media expressed disappointment with Al-Zubaidi’s statements, acknowledging the real failure to find initial solutions to the economic collapse, rising prices, and the lack of bread in Aden.

They criticized him for blaming the  pro- coalition government for these failures.