YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli correspondent reveals Saudi role in war on Gaza

GAZA, Nov. 09 (YPA) – An Israeli military correspondent reveals information about Saudi Arabia’s role in supporting the Zionist war on the Palestinian people in Gaza.

The correspondent of the Hebrew Channel 13 said during his comment on the attack that accurately hit Umm Al-Rashrash, known as the Israeli city of Eilat, by a drone.

He revealed Saudi Arabia’s participation in protecting the Zionist entity by saying: “The Americans, Saudis and Israelis are protecting Eilat, but today the drone succeeded in reaching its goal.”

The correspondent’s talk about Saudi Arabia’s participation in protecting the Zionist entity matches the silent Saudi position regarding the genocidal crimes committed by the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Israeli media outlets had previously announced that a huge sound of an explosion was heard in Eilat, amid a state of panic and panic among the settlers.

Activists shared on social media platforms the scene of the moment the drone reached its target and exploded.