YEMEN Press Agency

UAE grants Hadi open cheque to send some of his military brigades to western coast battles

SANAA, June 26 (YPA) – The United Arab of Emirates (UAE) occupation forces offered to the resigned exiled Riyadh-based President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi an open cheque in an exchange to send some of his military brigades the what so-called presidential protection to the West Coast, after the UAE-backed militias were exterminated by the Yemeni army and popular committees in the western coast battles, a military sources in the south told Yemen Press Agency.

The sources confirmed that the UAE occupation forces leadership made huge financial temptations for Hadi to transfer his military brigades to take part in the fierce fighting in Hodeiadah.

The UAE stressed the need to transfer two military brigades, “the fourth brigade” presidential protection led by hardliner Salafist “Mehran al-Qubati,” and” the heavy transport brigade” led by Brigadier “Amjad Khalid,” to the West Coast Front, the sources added.

In its turn, the UAE occupation forces’ commitments are to fund and support with money for Giants brigades forces who are being defeated by the army and popular committees in the western coast fronts.

The UAE occupation forces were able to set up a tight ambush for Haidi and his government by returning the city of Aden into security chaos through funding some organizations such as the  Southern Transition Council who tried to take control over the city.