YEMEN Press Agency

FM to UN envoy: Aggression coalition states obstructing any efforts for peace

SANAA, June 4 (YPA) – Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf said on Sunday that the aggression coalition states have resorted to hinder any efforts for reaching peace.

This came during the meeting of the foreign minister and his deputy, Hussein al-Ezzi, with the special envoy of the UN Secretary-General to Yemen, Martin Griffith, who is currently visiting Sanaa.

Sharaf said that the Saudi-led coalition states have practiced all forms of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights conventions, including the assassination of the president Saleh al-Sammad, and the recent military escalation in the west coast.

He pointed out that the peaceful political solution is the people’s choice for a sustainable peace, adding “But that does not mean surrender.”

in the meeting, the deputy minister noted that the Yemeni people have been suffering a brutal military aggression for nearly four years, in which all kinds of internationally prohibited weapons were used.

Al-Ezzi said that the hand of peace is still extended as long as there will be a just and honorable peace based on respect between neighboring countries.

The UN envoy affirmed that the political solution is the only option that will contribute to ending the humanitarian disaster suffered by the Yemeni people.
