YEMEN Press Agency

Zarif to meet UN envoy to Yemen

SANAA, Feb. 8 (YPA) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will meet on Monday, the United Nations envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths.
Zarif said that his country is ready to work with the United Nations envoy to Yemen to solve the Yemeni crisis.
“The United States must ask Saudi Arabia to stop the war in Yemen,” he added.
On Sunday, Iranian television reported that the United Nations envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths is currently visiting Iran for the first time to discuss the crisis in Yemen, days after Washington announced it was ending its support for the Saudi-led military operations in the Republic of Yemen.

Griffiths’s office said that the visit comes within the framework of his diplomatic efforts to support a negotiated political solution to the conflict.

US President Joe Biden announced the appointment of Lenderking, an American envoy to Yemen, stressing the need to end the war there.

On Friday, Lenderking held discussions with leaders of the Gulf states and the British Foreign Office, about efforts to end the conflict in Yemen.