YEMEN Press Agency

Today.. America elects its president

SANAA, Nov. 3 (YPA) – Millions of US voters heading to the polls on Tuesday to choose the name of the White House resident, amid exceptional circumstances, due to the Coronavirus pandemic and the heightened intensity of statements on the eve of the expected polling day.

According to media reports, nearly 100 million Americans voted early in the presidential election.

Millions are expected to vote in today’s ballot (estimated at more than 60 million) to choose between current Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who stepped up his rounds yesterday, and his Democratic rival Joe Biden.

The Republican president and his Democratic rival exchanged sharp criticism on Monday night, urging voters to vote in battleground states in the latest round of the race.

Americans set a record for early voting on the last days of the campaign, with nearly 96 million people voting in the election, making up 70% of all voters in the 2016 election and nearly 40% of all Americans who voted.

The election comes amid a number of complications, notably postal voting, and recent court decisions that gave some states several days to vote after November 3, which could delay the final outcome of the White House resident’s identity for four years to come.

Given the exceptional nature of the election this time around, technology platforms and networking companies have introduced a set of rules and protocols, about early announcements of election night.

In the context, Twitter, for example, explained that only 7 media can be relied upon to help officially announce the winner of the presidential race, and the list included ABC News, AP, CNN, CBS News, Decision Desk HQ, Fox News and NBC News.