YEMEN Press Agency

Libya’s GNA forces continue to advance in Sirte, shoot down two drone aircraft

SANAA, June 7 (YPA) – Libyan’s Government of National Accord (GNA) said that its forces were able to shoot down two aircraft belonging to the forces led by retired Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar in Sirte, and launched air raids positions belonging to his forces west of the city.

“Our heroic forces succeed in shooting down an Emirati aircraft drone, at gate 30 in Sirte,” Operation Volcano of Anger said on its Facebook account.

Later, the spokesman for the Sirte and Al-Jafra Operations Room, which is part of the GNA forces, Brig. Gen. Abdulhadi Dara, said that his forces shot down a second drone in support of Haftar at Sirte’s administrative border.

The GNA’s spokesman Mohammed Qanunu said his forces succeeded in neutralizing 10 Haftar members and destroying their military vehicles in an air strike on Sirte.

According to GNA army spokesman, the air force carried out three combat strikes east of the steam station in Sirte (450 km east of the capital Tripoli), destroying two military and an armoured vehicles, including a cannon, and succeeded in neutralizing 10 members of Haftar’s forces

Forces loyal to GNA stormed the Al-Zafar area inside Sirte and confirmed the withdrawal of a number of Haftar forces from al-Jafra air base towards eastern Libya.
Meanwhile, Libya’s government forces announced their control over a warehouse in Tarhuna, which houses large quantities of mines used by Haftar’s forces to bomb mosques, roads and civilian homes in the capital.

On Friday, the GNA’s forces declared full control over Tahuna city, the last stronghold of warlord Khalifa Haftar in western Libya, has been liberated.

Army forces stormed the city from four directions early on Friday and clashed with the infamous militia of Kaniyat. After around one hour of fire exchange, the militia was defeated and the militiamen escaped outside of the city to Bani Walid.

Shortly after Tarhuna liberation, the Libyan army entered Al ‘Urban town, some 80 km south of Tripoli.
