YEMEN Press Agency

Southern journalist accuses STC of implementing UAE agendas

ADEN, May 6 (YPA) – A Southern journalist launched a verbal attack on the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), accusing it of carrying out Abu Dhabi’s agendas in the southern Yemen.

“The STC did not emerge from the peaceful Southern Movement that was launched in 2007, and it is not an extension of it as its supporters are trying to do,” the Southern journalist Shafie al-A’abd said in a tweet.

He added that the STC in essence, the nature of its origins and its objectives is only an Emirati tool that Abu Dhabi uses to implement its geopolitical agenda.

This is a part of wide criticism against STC, which monopolizes the status of the main bearer of the so-called southern cause.

The STC’s actions are rejected by the Southern Revolutionary Movement and accuses the Council of trading the issue in the service of personal purposes that have nothing to do with the South and its people.