YEMEN Press Agency

Protest rally in Hodeidah to condemn coalition violations

HODEIDAH, July 2 (YPA) – A mass protest rally was organized on Tuesday by tribes in cooperation with the local authority of Hodiedah province to condemn the Saudi-led aggression coalition violations of the UN-brokered cease-fire truce.
At the rally, the tribes raised banners and slogans condemning the ongoing violation and heinous crimes committed by the coalition and its mercenaries against citizens, including children and women.

The protesters praised the Yemeni army’s position in the full commitment to carry out Sweden agreement and unilateral redeployment in the province.

The participants denounced the international community’s silence towards the coalition crimes and destroying infrastructure of the Yemeni people.

The rally called on the Yemeni people to mobilize and enhance the internal unity to move to all fronts for defending the Yemeni territory and its sovereignty.

Ali Ahsan