YEMEN Press Agency

Kiev to buy US air-defense systems for more than $ 2 milliard

SANAA, Aug. 29 (YPA) – Ukrainian ambassador to the USA Valeriy Chaly revealed that his country apply to Washington to buy air-defense systems international agencies stated.


The deal is estimated for more than $ 2 milliard.

The apply offered by kiev came in spite of the Ukraine dependance on the World Bank and its heavy debts.

The cost of a block of these systems is estimated to $ 750 million.

The ambassador added that our need priority during the future period is buying drones, Anti-tank radars and anti-sniper systems.

“We need during the next period naval and air weapons to defend simply Ukraine,” he said.

The matter was officially discussed by the presidents of the two countries in Brussels and during the visit for a high military official’s visit for Ukraine on July.

Ukraine on 2018 received from US, Lithuania, UK and Canada weapons and military equipment estimated to $40 million.

Russia repeated for several times that selling weapons to Kiev will enhance the acute situation in Donbass province, in the east of Ukraine.

Ahmed Al-Mutawakel