YEMEN Press Agency

Information Ministry condemns crime of women kidnapping in Hodeidah

SANAA, July 31 (YPA) – The General Directorate of Women and Children in the Ministry of Information condemned on Tuesday the violations of Saudi-led coalition against Yemeni women, the latest of which was the abduction of eight women in Tuhaita district of Hodeidah province.

In a statement, the Directorate denounced the kidnapping of the woman by the militiamen of coalition which considered as violation of international and humanitarian laws and norms.

The statement denounced the international silence and international complicity with regard to these crimes against humanity, which encouraged the countries of coalition to continue targeting children, women and the elderly.

The Directorate renewed its call to the local and international media, civil society organizations and human rights organizations to expose the militiamen crimes which are war crimes.

The statement also called on the tribesmen to mobilize and provide the fronts with money, men, equipment and urgent action to deter the perpetrators of these violations, which are immoral and contrary to all laws and religions.

The Directorate called upon the United Nations, the international community and the Security Council to play their role in condemning the crimes of coalition and its militiamen against humanity, which amounts to war crimes, which requires accountability and punishment under international humanitarian law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Sameera Hassn