YEMEN Press Agency

Military leader in Abyan demand removal of illegal levy points

ABYAN, Feb. 10 (YPA) – The commander of the 185th Brigade, Ahmed Mansour Al-Marqashi, has issued a stern warning to the local authorities and leaders of the UAE-backed factions in Abyan province, demanding the removal of illegal levy points spread on the main roads in the province.

Al-Marqashi stressed that these practices have exhausted the population and hindered the movement of transportation and trade, calling for urgent steps to end these violations.

He warned of taking unprecedented measures if authorities fail to act. Al-Marqashi affirmed these practices worsen living conditions and restrict transportation.

Al-Marqashi noted that these actions increase the suffering of citizens and greatly affect their standard of living.

This came amid tense conditions in Abyan, where the security situation is worsening due to the spread of unofficial checkpoints and the imposition of levies, which further complicates the economic and living conditions in the areas under the control of the Saudi-led coalition in southern and eastern Yemen.