YEMEN Press Agency

Dhamar witnesses marches commemorating 1st anniversary of Al-Aqsa Flood battle

DHAMAR, Oct. 07 (YPA) – Dhamar Governorate residents participated on Monday in public marches to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Al-Aqsa flood operation, with the slogan “A flood towards liberation.”

The demonstrators carried Yemeni and Palestinian flags and banners of freedom, chanting slogans of anger against the crimes of the Zionist enemy entity against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, denouncing the Arab and Islamic silence and inaction, and affirming their steadfastness in their position with Gaza and Lebanon until the aggression is broken and Palestine is liberated.

The participants in the marches stressed that the Al-Aqsa Flood battle directed a fatal blow to the treason and normalization conspiracies.