YEMEN Press Agency

Child died due to medical error in Aden

ADEN, Sept. 24 (YPA) – The child, Firas Majed, 4 years old, died in the city of Aden due to a medical error that occurred during a tonsillectomy that was performed on him in one of the city’s hospitals.

According to the child Firas’ family, the doctor did not inform the family that one of the child’s arteries had been cut during the operation, which led to severe bleeding and deterioration of his health.

The family stated that several days after the operation, it discovered the doctor’s mistake after the child suffered severe bleeding that led him to die as a result of pneumonia resulting from bleeding.

The death of the child, Firas, sparked widespread anger on social media, amid demands to hold accountable those who committed medical errors that have spread in city’s hospitals over the past years.