YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist settlers demolish 47 homes, agricultural facilities in Tarqumiya, west of Hebron

WEST BANK, Sept. 07 (YPA) – Zionist settlers’ bulldozers demolished 47 homes and agricultural facilities in the Taybeh area in the town of Tarqumiya, west of Hebron.

Citizens reported that they were able to reach the area a week after the Israeli occupation forces prevented access to it, where they discovered the demolition and bulldozing of 47 homes and agricultural facilities.

They explained that the occupation bulldozers demolished residential and agricultural rooms owned by citizens, some of which consisted of two floors, the first a water tank with a warehouse, and the second a room and its facilities on an area of 65 square meters, built of stone.

They pointed out that these homes are licensed by the town of Tarqumiya and are connected to water and electricity services.

The occupation constantly prevents farmers from reaching their lands, in addition to the settler attacks, which have increased in frequency since the beginning of the aggression against the Gaza Strip, according to the citizens.