YEMEN Press Agency

Suspicious UAE military movements signal potential escalation on Hadramout coast

HADRAMOUT, Sept. 07 (YPA) – UAE forces have mobilized on Friday their armed factions in several districts of Shabwa Governorate in response to the escalation carried out by the “Hadramout Tribes Alliance” towards the city of Mukalla and other coastal districts under its control.


A local source confirmed that the UAE forces, based at the Balhaf gas facility in the coastal district of Rudum, have established military checkpoints in various areas of the district adjacent to the district of Brom Mayfa in Hadramout.


The source stated that “the UAE forces have deployed elements from the Second Marine Infantry Brigade in the area of the Ambaḥ coast near the Sharj bin Talib area, which is controlled by the Hadhrami Elite in the district of Brom Mayfa.


The source added that the UAE military movements in Rudum, Shabwa, come in response to the Hadramout Tribes Alliance setting up an armed checkpoint west of Mukalla within the scope of the “Hadhrami Elite,” which is funded by the UAE and has controlled Al-Riyan Airport and the Al-Dabba oil port since 2016.


The source also noted that the coasts of Rudum are witnessing suspicious UAE military movements, with expectations of additional military reinforcements being transported by sea towards Mukalla, following the UAE’s control of the oil fields in PetroMasila last August.


