YEMEN Press Agency

“Hadramout Tribes Alliance” takes control of Mukalla entrances

HADRAMOUT, Sept. 07 (YPA) – Tribes of the coastal districts of Hadramout, which is under the control of the Emirati faction, have announced an escalation due to the collapse of basic services.

They set up a protest camp on Friday, in the Al-Ghawizi area at the northern entrance of Mukalla, near the entrance to the Circular Trucks Road, the Popular Committee for the Demands of the People of Hadramout Coast said.

The committee called on tribal members to participate in inaugurating the open-ended protest camp to demand the legitimate rights of Hadramout and to alleviate the suffering of its citizens.

In turn, the tribes of Al-Deis Al-Sharqiya set up a protest camp on Thursday, in response to the collapse of electricity services and in support of the demands presented by the Hadramout Tribes Alliance at the end of July, coinciding with the visit of Rashad Al-Alimi, the head of “Leadership Presidential Council” Rashad to Mukalla.

They condemned Al-Alimi’s and local authorities’ disregard for Hadramout’s demands and the rights of its people, emphasizing the need to secure Hadramout’s rights from its natural resources and to involve them in decision-making to improve living conditions and services for citizens.

This comes after the Hadramout Tribes Alliance’s establishment of an armed checkpoint yesterday, Thursday, west of Mukalla to prevent the extraction of Hadramout’s resources and to increase pressure on the Presidential Council and the government loyal to Saudi-led coalition to meet the demands of the people of Hadramout.

A spokesperson for the alliance warned local authorities and UAE-backed factions against any irresponsible actions or confrontations with the alliance’s members stationed at the checkpoint.

“Any attack on the alliance’s fighters would be considered an attack on all of Hadramout’s people, holding them fully responsible,” he said.

These actions come amid ongoing popular protests and demonstrations, including roadblocks and main street closures in Mukalla, Shahir, and Ghayl Ba Wazir district for the fifth consecutive day due to power outages, increased transportation fees following the diesel price hike, and a total strike at Hadramout University due to high registration fees imposed on students.

