YEMEN Press Agency

Washington threatens with doubling human suffering in Yemen

SANAA, Sept. 07 (YPA) – The American ambassador to the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, Stephen Fagin, has issued new threats regarding preventing the entry of aid into Yemen.

Fagin said, in a statement issued on Friday, against the backdrop of the arrest of the US intelligence spy cell in Sanaa, “These measures may exacerbate the suffering of Yemenis living in Houthi-controlled areas by risking the loss of important humanitarian aid.”

It is a clear threatening signal about the American intentions to double the humanitarian suffering of the Yemeni people, in the context of the angry American response to ending the era of espionage and American hegemony over the decision-making process in Yemen.

Fagin’s statements come within the framework of a fierce campaign launched by Washington to obstruct the rapprochement efforts existing between Sanaa and Riyadh, mediated by the Sultanate of Oman.

The United States worked to push the Saudi side to renounce the settlement agreement that was reached between Sanaa and Riyadh nearly two years ago by preventing the Saudis from signing the clause on compensation.

In addition to Washington’s explicit demand to postpone discussion of the issue of the withdrawal of foreign forces from Yemen, until the subsequent statements of the American envoy to Yemen, Tim Lenderking, in which he said that paying the employees’ salaries, which have been interrupted for nine years, is “impossible.”

The intensity of American anger has increased significantly since Yemen’s involvement in the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle by preventing the arrival of ships to the ports of the Israeli occupation and launching Yemeni military attacks on vital installations of the Israeli occupation within the framework of operations to support the Palestinian people.

Although the issue of the US intelligence spy cell has nothing to do with the issue of international aid that can be provided to the Yemeni people, the United States has become accustomed to employing all dirty means of pressure to subjugate peoples, including the people of Yemen, who no longer accept dictates from any party and with time show more challenge to the American will to dominate the region and the world.

Washington has stood in the way of humanitarian assistance programs for Yemen since the beginning of the Saudi-led coalition war on the country.

The American fingerprints were clear in imposing the siege on the Yemeni people, in a manner inconsistent with the principles of international law and international humanitarian law.

It does not seem that any new American threats are capable of adding any new details to undermine the will and steadfastness of the Yemenis.