YEMEN Press Agency

Military vehicle of UAE-backed STC attacked in Abyan

ABYAN, Aug. 27 (YPA) – A military vehicle belonging to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) was targeted on Tuesday in Abyan province, southern Yemen.

Local sources said that unknown gunmen believed to belong to Al-Qaeda attacked the vehicle, with an explosive device between the Al-Baqira and Misra areas in Mudiyah district, which led to the damage of the vehicle, without mentioning any human losses among the STC elements.

In mid-August, about 16 elements were killed and 20 others a car bomb attack on a school district, followed by another attack targeting one of its military points in the same area.

The STC has been fighting an unknown battle of attrition targeting its leaders and elements since the announcement of Operation “Arrows of the East” in mid-August 2022, towards the Islah camps in Abyan after the Islah Party forces were expelled from the city of Ataq, the center of Shabwa province.