YEMEN Press Agency

Republican decree appointing deputy ministers issued in Sanaa

SANAA, Aug. 28 (YPA) – The republican decree No. (5) of 1446 AH was issued on Tuesday to appoint deputy ministers in the government of change and construction in Sanaa.

According to the Saba New Agency, the first article of the decree stipulated for appointing the following brothers as deputy ministers as follows:

1- Abdul Majeed Sagheer Ahmed Al-Mortada as Deputy Minister of Interior.

2- Ali Hussein Ali Al-Makni as Deputy Minister of Communications and Information Technology.

3- Ibrahim Hassan Ismail Al-Madani as Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources.

4- Ibrahim Ahmed Abdullah Abdullah Al-Hamli as Deputy Minister of Social Affairs and Labor.

5- Nasher Ali Saleh Al-Qaoud as Deputy Minister of Health and Environment.

6- Anas Ali Sinan Sufian as Deputy Minister of Civil Service and Administrative Development.

7- Nabeeh Nasser Ali Ahmed Abu Shousa as Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports.

8- Abdul Wahid Naji Mohammed Abu Rass as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates.

9- Ibrahim Mohammed Ahmed Al-Shami as Deputy Minister of Justice and Human Rights.

10- Adel Saleh Yahiya Bader as Deputy Minister of Electricity, Energy and Water.

11- Omar Ahmed Mohammed Daer Al-Bukhaiti as Deputy Minister of Information.

12- Yahiya Mohammed Ali Al-Siyani as Deputy Minister of Transport and Public Works.

13- Abdullah Hassan Mutahhar Al-Washli as Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism.

14- Mohammed Mohsen Qanaf Al-Najjar as Deputy Minister of Oil and Minerals.

15- Nasser Hussein Nasser Al-Mahdhar as Deputy Minister of Administration and Local and Rural Development.

16- Hatem Abdo Ali Al-Duais as Deputy Minister of Education and Scientific Research.

17- Nasser Ali Ali Al-Hamdani as Deputy Minister of Finance.

Article (2) stipulates that this decision shall be effective and published in the Official Gazette.