YEMEN Press Agency

Colombia calls on all sailors not to transport coal to Zionist entity

SANAA, Aug. 21 (YPA) – Colombian President Gustavo Petro called on all sailors not to transport coal to the Zionist enemy, after issuing an official decree to stop coal exports to Tel Aviv, which continues its attacks on Gaza.

Petro attacked the entity’s Prime Minister, Netanyahu, in his account on the social media platform “X”, saying, “All sailors in the world, and our indigenous people, must refuse to transfer coal from any country to Netanyahu.”

In response to critics of the decision to suspend coal exports to Israel, Petro said: “Palestinian children and humanity are grateful, what happens is that those who remained silent in Colombia against genocide do not understand it.”

As of August 18, a Colombian presidential decree went into effect banning the export of coal to the entity, due to the war launched by Tel Aviv on the Gaza Strip.