YEMEN Press Agency

Ansarullah politician condemns massacre of ‘Al-Taba’een School’ in Gaza

ANAA, Aug. 10 (YPA) – Ansarullah’s Political Bureau condemned on Saturday the new Israeli massacre against worshipers at the Al-Taba’een School in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in the central Gaza Strip.

In a statement it issued today, the bureau noted that the massacre coincided with the Qatari-Egyptian-American statement, which gives the killers more time to shed Palestinian blood.

The enemy entity is committing bloody massacres, one massacre after another, in an unprecedented violation of Palestinian blood, while Arab and Islamic governments continue to resort to silence and impotence, according to the statement.

The Ansarullah political bureau believed that the Qatari-Egyptian-American statement provides the leaders of the Israeli enemy entity with political cover for more criminality throughout the region.

The Ansarullah bureau offered sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and those killed unjustly and aggressively.
The bureau renewed Yemen’s covenant and loyalty with Palestine, its people, and its resistance through popular solidarity and support and the military escalation.