YEMEN Press Agency

Armed clashes erupt among Shabwa tribes

SHABWA, Aug. 10 (YPA) – Armed clashes erupted on Friday among two tribes in Shabwa province, east of Yemen.

A security source said that the clashes erupted between the tribe of Abu Bakr bin Fareed and Al Hamad bin Fareed tribe in As Said district, using various types of light and medium weapons.

The source added that the UAE-affiliated “Shabwa Defense” factions did not intervene to stop the fighting between the two tribes, without mentioning human and material losses.

This came after the director of Al-Said district, Abu Bakr bin Fareed Al-Awlaqi, was subjected to an armed ambush, which led to injuring three of his companions, by gunmen from the tribe of Al-Hamad bin Fareed in the Al-Masha area while returning from Ataq city, the provincial capital of Shabwa.

The clashes happened due to the continued security chaos witnessed in the province, which has been under the control of the Emirati factions since 2016.