YEMEN Press Agency

Hezbollah condoles Palestinian people, its resistance in martyrdom of senior leader Ismail Haniyeh

BEIRUT, July 31 (YPA) – Lebanon’s Hezbollah offered its condolences to the Palestinian people, Hamas Movement and all Palestinian resistance factions, in the martyrdom of the head of the movement’s political bureau, leader Ismail Haniyeh.

Hezbollah stressed in a statement that the martyrdom of leader Haniyeh would make the resistance fighters’ resolve stronger in confronting the Zionist enemy.

The statement described Ismail Haniyeh in a statement as “one of the great resistance leaders who stood bravely against the American hegemony project and the Zionist occupation.

“The martyrdom of leader Haniyeh will make of the Palestine’s resistance fighters more determination and stubbornness in continuing the path of jihad and confronting the Zionist enemy, the killer of women and children, the perpetrator of genocide in Gaza, and the usurper of the land of Palestine and the sanctities of the nation,” the statement added.