YEMEN Press Agency

European Commission: Bloodshed in Gaza must stop immediately

SANAA, July 18 (YPA) – European Commission President, Ursula Von Der Leyen, stressed on Thursday that the bloodshed in Gaza must stop immediately, considering that the lives of many children, women and civilians were lost in Israel’s response.

Von Der Leyen said before the European Parliament in Strasbourg: “The people of Gaza have become unable to bear it, and so has humanity, so we need an immediate and permanent ceasefire, we need the release of the Israeli hostages”.

Von der Leyen called for a “strong Europe” during a period of great anxiety and uncertainty, as she seeks to persuade European representatives to grant her a second term.

She said: “I will never allow extreme polarization to prevail in our societies, I will never accept extremists destroying our European way of life, and I stand here today ready to lead the battle with all democratic forces”.