YEMEN Press Agency

Yemeni students in India demand payment of their financial dues

INDIA, July 18 (YPA) – A number of Yemeni students sent to study in India organized a protest on Wednesday, demanding that the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition pay their financial dues, which have been in arrears for 18 months.

The scholarship students confirmed in a statement that the delay in their financial dues has impacted their living situation with their families and their level of educational attainment over the past period.

They called on the pro-coalition government to quickly solve their financial problems that have accumulated for years, accusing the Ministry of Finance of deliberately delaying their dues.

The statement stressed the need to temporarily stop demands from attachés regarding students’ academic cases, supervisors’ reports, etc., until the students’ financial and academic situation is corrected.

The students held the government fully responsible for the collapse of their living conditions, confirming that they would continue to escalate until their issues and problems were addressed.

The statement of the scholarship students called for the formation of a legal committee to hold accountable those responsible for depriving the students of their rights and to compensate them for the material and moral harm they suffered.

They denounced the state of silence and stagnation adopted by officials in the government headed by Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak towards students suffering.