YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa issues new directions to neutralize Yemen Airways

SANAA, July 03 (YPA) -Sanaa has issued new directions to neutralize Yemen Airways and return it to its proper course in serving the Yemeni people.

The transport minister in the Sanaa government, Abdulwahab Al-Durra, affirmed that a neutral national leadership will be selected from the expertise and competencies within Yemen Airways to ensure its safe return to providing services to all Yemeni citizens, away from politics, regionalism, and factionalism.

In a press conference today in Sanaa organized by the Ministries of Transport and Guidance, Al-Durra stated: “It is the right of the leadership in Sanaa to make any decision in favor of the company, to save it, correct its course, and manage it to provide services to the people of Yemen.”

Al-Durra also emphasized that the Sanaa government is determined to open all airports across the republic from Socotra to Saada without discrimination, and to operate flights of the national carrier Yemen Airways equally based on actual economic needs, rejecting selective operation of one airport at the expense of another.

Furthermore, he confirmed Sanaa’s rejection of any piecemeal solutions regarding Sanaa International Airport, insisting only on full reopening of all destinations and resuming flights as they were before the coalition war.

He also underscored the Revolutionary Leadership and the Supreme Political Council’s resolve to take strict and strong measures that the coalition does not expect.

