YEMEN Press Agency

Shanghai Cooperation Organization calls for ceasefire in Gaza Strip

SANAA, July 04 (YPA) – The final statement of the meeting of leaders of the “Shanghai Cooperation Organization” countries, on Thursday, called for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, ensuring the access of humanitarian aid to the Strip, and intensifying efforts to achieve peace.

In the final statement of the Shanghai Cooperation Summit held in Astana, the leaders of countries expressed their countries’ concern over the continuation of the Palestinian- Israeli conflict, stressing that the only solution lies in a just settlement of the Palestinian issue.

The countries of the organization strongly condemned the actions that led to the incident of civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip.

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, stressed in his speech during the organization’s leaders’ meeting on Thursday that the unique attempts to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, especially the American ones, have proven futile and will only lead to counterproductive results amid the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip.