YEMEN Press Agency

Killing Al-Khalifi ignites Shabwa tribes against STC factions

SHABWA, July 04 (YPA) – Armed groups from the tribes of Shabwa province gathered on Thursday in the city of Ataq, the center of the province, against the crimes that the UAE-backed members of the “Shabwa Defense Forces” at the entrance to the city.

In tribal rally, the tribes denounce the killing of doctor Salem bin Sayel Al-Khulaifi, who was shot by those forces.

Local sources in the city reported that Al Khalifa Bani Hilal tribes mobilized almost 300 armed men in Ataq to demand the handover of the accused of shooting the doctor after he crossed by his motorcycle a security point.

Dr. Al-Khulaifi received a hail of bullets as he was heading home to eat lunch after completing his shift at the General Authority of Shabwa Hospital in Ataq on Wednesday.

The sources pointed out that members of the “Shabwa Defense Forces” threatened to disperse gatherings of tribesmen demanding the handover of the accused, amid local efforts and mediations to calm the situation.

The coalition-held Shabwa is witnessing unprecedented security chaos and armed confrontations this week, fueled by UAE-funded factions, between tribesmen in a number of districts of Saeed, Osaylan, and Markha,” which left a number of dead and wounded.