YEMEN Press Agency

Sayyed Abdulmalik reveals in numbers some of Yemeni military achievements in support of Gaza

SANAA, July 04 (YPA) – The Leader of the Yemeni Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, revealed some of the military achievements of the Yemeni Armed Forces in the course of operations to support Gaza.

In his weekly speech on the latest regional military developments in the Zionist aggression against Gaza, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi affirmed that the support operations of the Yemen front during this week amounted to 12 operations within the framework of the fourth phase of the escalation, which was carried out with 20 ballistic and winged missiles, drones, and boats along the theater of naval operations.

He explained that the operations targeted six ships, bringing the total number of ships targeted since the beginning of the support operations to 162 ships.

American failure in the face of Yemeni strikes

The leader of the Yemeni revolution pointed out that America’s battle to stop the Yemeni army’s operations at sea was not an easy or simple process, confirming that the enemies recognized the development of the Yemeni missiles, drones, and naval boats due to the intensity and accuracy of the recent strikes, which revealed the inability and weakness of the American aircraft carriers despite their historical reputation.

He pointed out that America was using aircraft carriers to terrorize other countries and frighten people, and despite that, the Yemeni operations forced the American aircraft carriers to flee, noting that the battle in the Red Sea proved that aircraft carriers are an old, outdated system and not worth the cost.

He said, “The Americans have begun to reconsider their capabilities, tactics, and methods of fighting and confronting this level of threat and danger. They realize the effectiveness of our strikes and acknowledge our removal of the entire American Navy, which serves as a valuable lesson for them.”

Sayyed Abdulmalik revealed that the continuity and successful escalation of Yemeni operations and development is what astonished, worried, and frightened the enemies, indicating that with all the events since World War II, the Americans believe that what is happening in the Red Sea is distinct and more sustainable.

The Leader of the Yemeni Revolution noted that the Yemeni army continues to develop military capabilities to overcome enemy technologies, limit them, and benefit from enemies’ assessments of its operations in developing itself.

He stated that “the joint operations between the Yemeni army and the Iraqi resistance are continuing to bomb targets and are witnessing a great and important path,” explaining that “Hezbollah’s operations are on the rise quantitatively and qualitatively, and there is no point or value to the psychological trembling war.”