YEMEN Press Agency

Bolivian army commander arrested after failed coup attempt

WORLD, June 27 (YPA) – The Bolivian police have arrested General Juan José Zúñiga, the army commander, after President Luis Arce dismissed him and accused him of carrying out  a “failed coup attempt,” according to scenes broadcasted by state television.

Prior to his arrest, Zúñiga claimed that President Luis Arce himself had requested him to carry out a symbolic rebellion to boost his popularity before the elections.

Footage showed police officers arresting General Zúñiga while he was speaking to journalists in front of a military barracks, forcing him into a police vehicle before Interior Minister Johnny Aguilera addressed him, saying, “You are under arrest, General.”

Earlier, Bolivian soldiers withdrew from the presidential palace in La Paz on Wednesday after attempting to storm President Arce’s headquarters, for which he accused Army Commander General Juan José Zúñiga of orchestrating a “coup attempt.”

Leaders from Mexico and Honduras have condemned the coup attempt. Former Bolivian President Evo Morales called on supporters of democracy to strike and block roads.

He wrote: “A group of special forces (Méndez Arcos battalion) seized Murillo Square with sniper rifles.”

He added, “It seems they had prepared for the coup in advance. I call on people with democratic thinking to defend the country against some military groups working against democracy and the people.

