YEMEN Press Agency

Iraqi resistance confirms its support for Hezbollah, Lebanon

BGHDAD, June 25 (YPA) – A member of the Iraqi Al-Nasr Alliance, Salam Al-Zubaidi, confirmed on Monday that the resistance axis will not remain silent in the face of any Zionist attack on Hezbollah and Lebanon.

Al-Zubaidi said in a statement to the “Al-Ma’louma” agency, “The Iraqi resistance, with all its factions in the Middle East, has expressed readiness to stand against the Zionist entity and will take a defensive stance and become the main partner in defending Lebanon and the Palestinian cause.”

He pointed out that the resistance axis possesses the equipment, numbers, and beliefs to engage in such a war and will not stand idly by.

“If the United States and its spoiled child ‘Israel’ take such a step, they will sink into a big swamp and their claims of victory will turn into a big loss”, he added.

He urged the Zionist entity and the American occupation to think before taking such a step, as they know the danger of the resistance factions and what they are capable of.

Al-Zubaidi clarified that the American occupation is primarily responsible for the threats that have made the Middle East region boil on a hot plate.

It is worth mentioning that the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah party, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, warned the Zionist entity of “surprises” in response to statements made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaring war on Lebanon.

