YEMEN Press Agency

UAE-backed militants slaughter citizen in Hays

HODEIDA, June 23 (YPA) – A citizen was slaughtered on Sunday by the UAE-backed militants in Hays area of Hodeida province.

Local sources said that Mohammed Kazeh, the security director of Hays district, affiliated with UAE-backed leader Tariq Afash, committed a heinous crime after his members stormed the house of the citizen Ibrahim Al-Raboui.

The militants stabbed, shot, and slit his throat, until he died inside his house and in front of his children, wife, and mother.

After Al-Raboui was slaughtered and executed by bullets, the members of the security director assaulted and beat his wife.

“Ibrahim Al-Raboui,” is an amputee, and the director of the security, “Mohammed Kazeh,” attempted to plunder a piece of Al-Raboui’s land. He was imprisoned for several months unjustly by Kazeh.