YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Qaeda launches drone strikes on tribal sites in Abyan

ABYAN, May 23 (YPA) – The terrorist organization Al-Qaeda targeted on Wednesday tribal sites allied with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces in the Wadi Jann area of Abyan province, southern Yemen, with drone strikes.

Informed sources reported that Al-Qaeda’s drones dropped six shells on the Rabizi tribe areas in Wadi Jann, Mudiyah district, causing casualties and material damage to citizens’ properties.

Previously, Al-Qaeda conducted several aerial attacks using drones on “Shabwa Defense” sites in the Masinah area, in the “As Said” district of Shabwa province, over the past months.

Al-Qaeda organization has seized a truck carrying a number of drones and specific weapons on the main road in the city of Seiyun, the center of the Wadi and Hadramout desert districts, eastern Yemen

This shipment was intercepted in an ambush organized in collaboration with Saudi Arabia in the Al-Badarat area, west of the Al-Wadea border crossing, at the end of December 2022, and was transported to an unknown location.